tie-dye t-shirts and quality greeting cards

Liquid Blue Shirts and Gifts at Dharma Rose

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Liquid Blue at Dharma Rose
Liquid Blue has earned their reputation; their Artists and Dye Masters are second to none.
Liquid Blue Merchandise
Shirts - Liquid Blue is reknown for their brilliant tie-dyes, as well as their diverse and beautiful artwork. In recent years, they have introduced tie-dye shirts with Star Wars, NFL, NHL, College basketball and football themes. (Don't miss their stunning Nature 2000 line!) Dharma Rose carries almost every design from this premiere shirt studio.
Bean Bears - The Beanie Baby craze has inspired the hippest bean bag toys yet. Liquid Blue, long known for their high quality workmanship, have applied their exceptional craft to the plush toy market. Since 1997, five editions have been issued with 52 characters.
Gifts - From playing cards, through refrigerator magnets, to the Jerry Garcia Doll, Liquid Blue has created a wonderful assortment of gift items.
When LB is asked: "Why are your shirts so expensive?," they reply:
"We focus on quality, wearability, and longevity. Our shirts are a high end 100 % cotton garment. Each tie dye shirt is hand crafted. We use an organic dye that is also hand applied. Advanced printing techniques are used to keep it looking great year after year and make it softer and easier to wear. Long hours are taken to painstakingly improve each piece of art before it becomes a t-shirt. The end result is well worth the price. We think so and so do many satisfied wearers."
At Dharma Rose, our philosophy also places a premium on quality, and heartily agree that LB's shirts are well worth the price. Our family wears these shirts regularly, and we have long been impressed with their quality and durability. Our sons are particularly hard on their clothing, and LB's shirts have withstood their abuse remarkably well.
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